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Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween. Here is the last Hallowmani. Its not what I had hoped to do, but it matches my Halloween that I wore to work. But I am disappointed.
OPI Who The Shrek Are You, Wet N Wild Black Creme, Gold Glitter nail striping polish. Topped with Seche Vite
As much as I love Halloween, I'm really excited to start with some new different manis starting tomorrow. So stay tuned for some new fun.
Wet N Wild Black Creme, Orly What's The Password and OPI DS Pewter. Black Creme and What's The Password topped with Seche Vite. No Top Coat on DS Pewter
Remembering October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, here is a pink Hallomani. Don't forget to do you monthly self check and if don't forget to get your mammogram if you're due.
OPI Koala Bear-y, China Glaze Ghostly Glow, bat decals
Hallowmani #11 is a complete failure. I tried to do something with neon colors and a black light and it totally didn't work. And Unfortunately its too late to try again. So here is a mani from last year.
Unfortunately real life has kept down for the past several days but I'm back with a messy new Hallowmani. This is Wet N Wild Black Creme, with some little jack o lantern decals and some jack o lantern earrings I made.
I got tried of orange so I thought I go with a saran wrap mani in slime green. OPI - Who The Shrek Are You and Wet N Wild Black Creme. Topped with Seche Vite
I had hoped to have a couple manis for now, but I've been down the last few days with a migraine, but
its better now and I have a ghostly little mani for you today.
Wet n Wild Black Creme with some Halloween decals, I was going to do stamping but it got late so I used decals. This is to go with my new Ghost Hairsticks from Eaduard's Hairsticks, For more of his sticks, you can go here Topped with Seche Vite
Now I know why I never use tape in my manis. Its a pain in the arse! But I saw something similar to this in Nail It magazine using summer colors, so I thought I'd try it using Halloween Colors.
We have
Revlon - Naughty
OPI - This Drummer Is Hot from the Rock Goddess mini collection
Its October 1st, so get ready for a lot and I mean a lot of black and orange cuz from now until the end of the month, every mani I do will be a Halloween mani. I mean not sure if I can pull of a mani a day for 31 days, but however many I do will be all Halloweeny.
So to start us off I have Nubar Black Polka Dots on top of Sally Girl Pumpkin. Topped with Seche Vite